2,277 research outputs found

    Implikasi Hukum Atas Pegawai Negeri Sipil Setelah Berlakunya Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 Tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara

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    The enactment of law Number 5 Year 2014 about Civil Servants led to new practices in civil servant management in Indonesia. There were a lot of modifications made based on this law, stressing on the merit systems in each of its plans, i.e: from civil servant recruitments, designations, rights and obligations, and independent officers and institutions authorized to implication of the law would enhance the job performance of the apparatus in attempt to attain the set objective. The research was back grounded with a common opinion that civil servants did not contribute at all in the development of the nation, but created corruptions, collusions and nepotisms in the civil servant employment systems

    Evaluation of Water Resources in Wadi El Natrun, Western Desert, Egypt

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    Groundwater of the Pliocene aquifer in Wadi El Natrun area represents the primary source of reliable water for drinking and agriculture uses. This research focuses on the study of the different sources of water in the study area and determines the origin and quality of this waterand also is interested in studying hydrogeochemical processes that affect them and the movement of water through the analysis and determine the activity of different elements, and also to changes in hypothetical salts with the direction of water flow in three sectors of the region and the statement of the most important geochemical processes that occur. Finally it is evaluated the suitability of the water for different purposes. The results show that, there is a zonation of chemical composition; this zonation is characterized by a change of cation species from dominantly Ca and Mg near the east to Na-dominated waters in the west. Mirroring this, anions change from HCO3 type to Cl and SO4 type.The ions displays two grades of metasomatism along flow path, first the stage of mineralization(HCO3>Cl>So4) at the east then the advanced stage of mineralization (Cl>SO4 >HCO3) at the west. According to the(W.H.O.2005), 45 % of tested groundwater samples are permissible for drinking. Most groundwater samples of the Pliocene according to SAR andRSC are suitable for irrigation purposes under normal condition, but all surface water samples (lakes) are saline water,so it is not valid for drinking or irrigation purposes

    Surveillance of nosocomial infections at a Saudi Arabian military hospital for a one-year period

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    The objectives of the current study are to define how many and what kind of nosocomial infections are occurring, what are the causative microbes and what kind of drugs can be used in treatment of infection at Al-Hada Armed Forces Hospital, Taif, Saudi Arabia during the year 2004. A prospective study was implemented for all cases admitted at Al-Hada Armed Forces Hospital during the period 1st January, 2004 till 31st December, 2004 and which developed infection. Determination of nosocomial infections was performed using standardized CDC criteria. A total of 1382 patients had developed infection during hospital admission and were included in the study. Of them, 668 (48.3%) had nosocomial infection and 714 (51.7%) had community-acquired infection. Among those who developed nosocomial infections, 216 (32.3%), 172 (25.7%) and 124 (18.6%) had respiratory tract (RTI), urinary tract (UTI) and blood stream infections (BSI) respectively. Surgical site infection (SSI) was reported in 86 cases (12.9%). The overall nosocomial infection rate along the study period was 4.98 per 100 discharged patients. Gram-positive organisms were reported in 31.8%. MRSA (Methicillin-resistant S. aureus) was the commonest (10.2%), followed by coagulase negative staphylococci (8.5%) and MSSA (Methicillin-susceptible S. aureus, 7.4%). While Gram-negative organisms were reported in 66.2%, E. coli was the commonest (22.3%), followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (17.6%) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (9.9%). Acinetobacter spp. and MRSA were highly sensitive to Imipenem (88.6%) and Vancomycin (98.5%) respectively. E. coli were highly sensitive to most of the antimicrobial agents except ampicillin (26.6%)

    Dynamic MR-Mammography as the best method for diagnosis of invasive lobular breast carcinoma: A retrospective study

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    AbstractAim of the studyIt is a retrospective study aiming to provide diagnostic characterization of ILC in Dynamic MR-Mammography and to compare its diagnostic performance to mammography and ultrasonography.Material and MethodA total of 56 cases of ILC were selected in retrospective review of mammography, ultrasonography and Dynamic MRM of 420 patients with invasive breast cancer.ResultsAsymmetric density was the commonest mammography finding and the measured sensitivity of mammography in detecting ILC was 87.5% (9/56 FN).The most common US manifestation of ILC was focal shadowing without a discrete mass and its sensitivity in detecting ILC was 84.9% (10/56 FN). At MR imaging, the most common manifestation of ILC was a solitary irregular or angular mass with speculated or ill-defined margins (33.9%of cases [n=19]).The measured sensitivity is 96.5% (2/56 FN). Additional data such as those affected the patient management including the presence of multifocal or multicentric disease, chest wall involvement and contralateral breast cancer were encountered in 48.2% of cases [n=27]. ILC has a tendency to demonstrate delayed maximum enhancement with washout exhibited by only a minority of lesions (21.4% [n=12]).ConclusionMR imaging has proved to be superior to mammography and US in the detection and management of ILC. It provides useful information for further management and pre-surgical planning

    Color and Weave Relationship in Woven Fabrics

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    Islam-based peace education: values, program, reflection and implication

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    There is a gap between ideal Islam and real Islam. Ideal Islam means peace, greeting, safety, salvation, and conceptually means absolute submission to God`s Will. Real Islam resembles unresolved conflicts in some communities and unpleasant meanings to some non-Muslims. To minimize the gap, it is important to socialize peaceful Islamic values in the community through education. This study aims to explain Pendidikan Perdamaian Berbasis Islam (PPBI, the Islam-based Peace Education) program initiated by Pusat Studi Budaya dan Perubahan Sosial (PSB-PS, the Center for the Study of Culture and Social Change) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS). This participatory action research is especially to reveal Islamic values identified in the PPBI program in terms of its uniqueness, implementation, reflection, and implication. Based on the Sirah of the Prophet and the Al-Qur’an, the PPBI program has identified 15 Islamic values which contribute to peacebuilding. Those values were used as core contents of PPBI’s handbook and classroom program. The program has been implemented through series of activities ranging from seminars, FGDs, workshops, training of teachers, publication of books, and classroom implementation. PPBI program based on nonviolence and peacebuilding assumptions, i.e. to build a culture of peace, is designed as the formal peace education through learning materials and classroom processes either in any existing course or co-curricular activities

    Electron refraction at lateral atomic interfaces

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    We present theoretical simulations of electron refraction at the lateral atomic interface between a “homogeneous” Cu(111) surface and the “nanostructured” one-monolayer (ML) Ag/Cu(111) dislocation lattice. Calculations are performed for electron binding energies barely below the 1 ML Ag/ Cu(111) M-point gap (binding energy EB ÂŒ53 meV, below the Fermi level) and slightly above its C -point energy (EB ÂŒ160 meV), both characterized by isotropic/circular constant energy surfaces. Using plane-wave-expansion and boundary-element methods, we show that electron refraction occurs at the interface, the Snell law is obeyed, and a total internal reflection occurs beyond the critical angle. Additionally, a weak negative refraction is observed for EB ÂŒ53 meV electron energy at beam incidence higher than the critical angle. Such an interesting observation stems from the interface phase-matching and momentum conservation with the umklapp bands at the second Brillouin zone of the dislocation lattice. The present analysis is not restricted to our Cu-Ag/Cu model system but can be readily extended to technologically relevant interfaces with spinpolarized, highly featured, and anisotropic constant energy contours, such as those characteristic for Rashba systems and topological insulators. Published by AIP Publishing.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam Menurut Hasan Langgulung Dalam Perspektif Psikologi

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    Diskursus pendidikan dari masa klasik hingga kontemporer, sebagaimana yang diusung para tokoh sangatlah variatif. Dalam masyarakat yang dinamis, pendidikan mempunyai peranan penting terhadap eksistensi dan perkembangan masyarakat. Hal ini dikarenakan pendidikan merupakan proses melestarikan, mengalihkan, dan menginternalisasi serta mentransformasikan nilai-nilai kebudayaan dalam segala segala aspek, guna memberi bekal untuk generasi mendatang. Di sisi lain, problem pendidikan memasuki abad ke 20 adalah adanya dikotomi pendidikan dalam dunia Islam: pendidikan umum yang diadopsi dari Barat yang cenderung sekuler dan pendidikan Islam yang terkungkung dalam dogma yang kaku. Maka, munculah gagasan Islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan guna mensinergikan Islam dan pengetahuan yaitu berupa internalisasi nilai-nilai Islam dalam ilmu modern. Salah satu pemerhati (stake holder) pendidikan Islam, Hasan Langgulung dalam salah satu gagasannya mencoba memasukkan aspek pendidikan Islam dalam aspek psikologi. Secara nama, psikologi sangat dipopulerkan oleh tokoh-tokoh Barat. Akan tetapi, menurut Hasan Langgulung, jauh sebelum tokoh-tokoh Barat mengenalkan istilah psikologi, dalam konsepsi Islam, sudah dikenal dengan istilah ilm nafs atau sederhananya sering dikenal ilmu jiwa. Maka, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan memahami gagasan pemikiran pendidikan Hasan Langgulung dalam sudut pandang psikologi. Adapun manfaat dari penelitian ini sebagai dokumentasi khazanah keilmuwan pendidikan Islam pada umumnya dan bagi civitas akademika Fakultas Agama Islam jurusan Tarbiyah pada khususnya, selain itu menjadi stimulus bagi penelitian selanjutnya, sehingga proses pengkajian secara mendalam (radikal) akan tetap terus berlangsung dan memperoleh hasil yang maksimal. Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Sumber data menggunakan karya-karya Hasan Langgulung. Dalam menganalisis data, penelitian ini menggunakan metode interpretasi, koherensi intern, dan deskripsi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah : pendidikan Islam dalam perspektif psikologi menurut Hasan Langgulung ada tiga aspek. Pertama, perkembangan potensi, di mana Hasan Langgulung mengklasifikasikannya dalam tiga kategori, yakni aspek kognitif, psikologis, dan jasmaniah, di mana ketiga aspek tersebut sudah disinyalir di dalam QS al-Hajj [22]: 5, QS al-Mu`minûn [23]: 12-16, al-Mu`min [40]: 67, QS al-Qashash [28]: 14. Kedua, dalam permasalahan belajar, Hasan Langgulung mengemukakan teori belajar yakni teori proses belajar sosial, di mana teori ini senada dengan teori belajar humanis ala psikolog Barat, hanya saja Hasan Langgulung lebih mewarnainya dengan nilai-nilai Islam, sebagaimana diistilahkan Hasan Langgulung dalam himpunan nilai-nilai adalah taqwa. Ketiga, kesehatan mental, yang merupakan taraf kepribadian kehidupan individu (maksud : pendidik dan peserta didik) menuju kehidupan yang baik, dan membentuk kondisi psikis yang sehat dengan ditandai terhindarnya dari penyakit mental. Pada dasarnya, kesemua gagasan Hasan Langgulung, baik perkembangan potensi, permasalahan belajar, dan kesehatan mental, merupakan pengembangan gagasan pemikiran para pakar psikolog, khususnya dari psikolog Barat sebagai titik pijakan pemikiran awal dan kemudian dia warnai dengan nilai-nilai Islam. Maka, corak pemikiran pendidikan Islam Hasan Langgulung dalam perspektif psikologi termasuk dalam corak humanis cum spiritual


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    Purpose: The research was conducted to explore the integration of education in the Muslim society in Indonesia, specifically what had been done in Islamic Integrated Elementary Schools in Surakarta, Indonesia. Hence, it studied the founders of the schools and their motives, their understanding of the idea of integration of education, the icons of the schools in order to realize the idea, the implementation of the idea, and the social support. Methodology: The research which was a case study using a qualitative approach found that the founders were either the older players or the newer ones, ranged from entrepreneur to activist. They established the schools and they were motivated by religious, educational, social-cultural, economic, and/or political factors. According to the informants, the integration of education had connotations in curriculum, learning, and management. Result: The icons they formulated were the internalization of Islam, spiritualization of education, Islamization of knowledge, sharia curriculum, and salaf (ancestor) curriculum. Such icons, then, affected the implementation of the idea of the integration of education. Furthermore, the society gave positive response and support on the performance of the schools. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of integration of education: the case study of Islamic elementary schools in Surakarta, Indonesia is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner
